
Portfolio 4

In general, there are no many difficulties with writing in my engineering class. Most of my modules are about science and technology, such as math and physics, in which calculation plays a more important role than writing. Besides EG1471 (English for Academic Purposes), I have but one module about writing; it is programming methodology which need to be written in computer language instead of human language. However, there is a little trouble in listening clearly in lecture, especially when the lecturer speaks a bit fast. For example, I could not catch what the lecturer of EG1108 (Electrical Engineering) says, so I have to learn by myself. Of course, it takes my some spare time to learn what I should get from lectures. In addition, I have some problems to understand questions accurately. It could not be ignored, because incorrect understanding or interpreting a sentence, even a short phrase, could lead to an absolutely wrong answer. For example, in physics, a question asked to express the answer as an angle measured south of west. Because I mistook the meaning of “south of west” and “south by west”, even though I could solve the question, I was not sure what value of angle is correct. Fortunately, after mid-term tests, another lecturer takes charge of the EG1108 lecture. She speaks slower than the previous one, so it is a little easier to understand her lecture. As for the meaning of questions, I think the only way to resolve it is to do more practices and try to get used to the common parlance in question and test. “It is the first step that is troublesome.” I believe that the learning block about language will be gradually away.

2 条评论:

Jason 说...

I agree with you, sometimes you just have to pay extra attention to what the professors said. You may find confusion between different accent speaks by dfferent professors, but sooner and later, you will get use of it.

Shen 说...

very insightful to how foreign students adapt to life in NUS. I like how you used quotes in the last part of your paragraph.